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Hello, meet Banjo. ** Beta

Your dedicated job hunting assistant helping you find bigger and better jobs. Start a chat now! Banjo

With a view of the entire Australian jobs market, opportunities won't slip through your fingers.

Banjo is the only way to reach the entire job market. CareerOne's radar searches far and wide for jobs, wherever they may appear online. When Banjo finds a job you'll love, you will instantly be recommended to employers.

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Banjo puts you forward and moves you up.

When you're ready for a new job, Banjo gets to know you - your skills, experience, passions and goals. It then puts you forward to employers with matching jobs, tailoring your profile to always show your most valuable side.

Move you up
long career head

Here for your next job, and your long career ahead.

Your career is a long journey, and each step along the way can make a huge difference in where you end up. Banjo helps you find a job right now, and recommends jobs and career paths for the brightest possible future.


Pioneering the next generation of job search for 14.5 million working Australians.

Finding a new job can be tricky. As a candidate you often feel like you aren't finding all of the relevant job opportunities out there. Job boards encourage candidates to spend lots of time tailoring their profile and applying to many jobs they just don't hear back from, which can be soul-destroying and discouraging.

While every other part of our lives is becoming smarter, easier and more instantaneous, finding a new job has been stuck in the old world.

It used to take a long time to send a message to someone around the world, or to hail down a taxi, and now, these things are virtually instant. Banjo does this for job hunting, cutting down a process that normally takes weeks to just a few moments.

And unlike other job boards, Banjo helps candidates to find their next job while also considering the big picture - their long term career.


Banjo is a breakthrough AI job hunting assistant from CareerOne, treating you like the individual that you are .

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Banjo helps find your new job
