Accessing parental leave

Helen’s employer offers 12 weeks paid maternity leave. She wants to know if her employer can withdraw its paid leave if she takes advantage of the Federally-funded paid parental leave scheme. Just a reminder, the Parental Paid Leave Scheme comes into effect from January 2011 to offer eligible parents approximately $570 a week (before tax) for 18 weeks.

Good news Helen. A booklet published by Carroll O’Dea lawyers explains that the Federal paid leave scheme is offered to eligible parents in addition to any paid leave offered by an employer.

Just a reminder that 12 months unpaid leave is provided by employers to permanent employees who have clocked up 12 months continuous service by their due date or expected due date. Employers do not have to provide paid parental leave by law but many do.

The Federal scheme is open to the primary care giver – both men and women – and it includes birth children and those adopted.  Those expecting to give birth/adopt by January can lodge a claim from this month. Find out more at: or phone 136150. Employers can phone 13 11 58.

If you need workplace or career advice, submit your question to Kate at CareerOne’s Advice Forums.


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