Designer – Wellington Boots

They’re a “must have” for any self-respecting fashionista. Kate Moss slipped them on for Glastonbury, Gwyneth likes the lace-ups, and who can forget Angelina, who wore a bright red pair in Mr & Mrs Smith, with a white shirt and little else.

We’re talking about the return of good old rubber boots – also known as Wellington boots or gumboots – and in Australia Queenslander Jacqui Wallbank has taken up the cause celebre with the launch of RosieRoo Designer Wellies – named after Jacqui’s maiden name Rose and Roo, because of its Aussie connotations.

“I’ve always been exposed to black boots,” says Jacqui whose youngest daughter is a keen horse rider.

“One evening my daughter asked me for ‘a nice pair of gumboots’ and I said ‘sure’, but couldn’t find anything like that.”

Jacqui, who has a small-business background, was quick to see a niche for boots that were attractive and stylish but still practical if they needed a workout in the mud or rain.

“I set out to design my own – something really unique. I located a factory in China to do the manufacturing and did my market research. Once I found out it was viable I went ahead and developed the product,” she said.

RosieRoo was launched in July 2007 and their variety of styles, funky colours and designs became an instant hit with the fashion conscious and those who want to add some panache to their outdoor wardrobe.

“The yellow stripey lace-ups are called “Abbys” because I like the name and some of the other designs are named after my four daughters,” Jacqui explained.

“The medium height ones are “Angies” – my eldest’s favourite; “Ellies” are named after my shortest daughter – they’ve got dots on them because one of her nicknames was Dotty. Anita is my youngest and tallest daughter so the long leopard print boots are named after her.”

Jacqui’s boots cater for all sizes from tweens to adults, with the ankle boots as popular as the longer boots.

“Mums chasing kids on horses, gardeners and hobby farmers, they love them,” she said.

RosieRoos are being distributed Australia-wide and plans are underway to expand the range to include umbrellas and raincoats and then take them overseas.

“People just love our designs and styles so I’m sure, as time goes by, Wellies will become extremely popular,” Jacqui said.


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