Yoga Teacher

It took breaking an arm in a surfing mishap 10 years ago for Charlotte Dodson to realise the power of yoga.

Dodson, now a yoga instructor, was working in advertising when the accident, which required a plate and pins to be inserted in her arm, changed her outlook on life.

“It was a blessing a disguise,” Ms Dodson says. “I realised yoga was so much more than just stretching; it affects all areas of your life.”

Dodson used yoga as part of her recovery and over time it became the main focus in her life. After gradually stepping down from her advertising career, Ms Dodson now teaches yoga to groups and individuals and has just spent the past three months in New York working with fledgling Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr.

“My business is growing more on the private side, one-on-one and small groups, so I can tailor it more.

Yoga is very individual, so you have to connect with the person,” she says.

Ms Dodson studied yoga teaching at the Nature Cure College and has since undertaken training in India, London and New York.

“I travel with my clients and can teach it to any one anywhere in the world,” she says.

As well as teaching people how to become yoga instructors, the course also pairs students up with a suitable mentor.

“I meet with my teacher three times a week. It is important to practise as well as teach,” she says.

She teaches 15 classes a week which range from an hour to 90 minutes and vary in intensity.

Helping people relax after a stressful day is extremely satisfying, Ms Dodson says.

How to be a … yoga instructor

Qualifications: Nature Care College in St Leonards offers a nationally recognised Advanced Diploma of Yoga Teaching.

The Nature Care website says the course provides the practical skills and related scientific and historical knowledge required to become a competent and effective teacher and health care adviser in the field of yoga.

Course description: The program can be completed full-time in one year and covers everything from yoga’s history and various styles, basic first-aid, communication as well as teaching and how to structure classes.

Students will be required to maintain a regular, supervised home yoga practice as well as maintain a mentoring relationship with a teacher of their choice.

Costs: Total cost for the course is $10,239.

Assumed knowledge: It is expected students applying for the course have been practising yoga on a regular basis for two years.

Students will also have to submit a 500-word essay outlining why they want to become a yoga instructor and what they see the role of a yoga instructor as being.

From the inside: Charlotte Dodson says she runs her own practice in addition to teaching yoga classes at other studios.

“I prefer teaching one-on-one because I can be more specific. I’ve been teaching some people on a long-term basis. One of my clients I’ve been working with for years and years and it’s amazing how they have developed and progressed.”

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