Signs that you’re on a cycle with your career

When you work for a company, you may seek to climb the corporate ladder to make more money and to succeed in your career. Despite this, some companies may not offer you any raises or promotions, which makes you stuck in a cycle. Consider these signs, and if they happen to you, then you might be stuck in a cycle with your career.

False or Vague Promises

You may work hard at your job and then receive different promises from your manager. For example, he or she could say “you will get a promotion soon”. However, you wait six months, a year or even longer and see that you don’t receive a promotion. You might be in the cycle if you receive these false promises.

Many business leaders know that you might leave if they don’t plan to promote you. Due to this, they may leave false or vague promises to convince you to stay. You should consider finding a different job if you receive these vague promises with no evidence to support a raise. Keep it in mind and see if your manage follows through with the promotion.

More Responsibilities Without Compensation

Some businesses will see how much work you will take on without receiving compensation. People may know that you want to work hard and contribute, but some people may want to take advantage of that. You can consider it a warning sign if you receive more work and responsibilities without compensation.

While it’s good to work and find ways to benefit the company, make sure that your manager doesn’t take advantage of you. Discuss a potential raise with your manager if you receive more responsibilities. After all, you should receive compensation for the work that you do.

Promoting People with Less Experience

You may notice that you have more experience, knowledge or skills in the workplace. However, despite these qualifications, some people with less knowledge and experience may receive a promotion before you do. If this occurs, you should talk with your manager to find out why this happened.

While this may stand as a potential warning sign, make sure that you talk with your manager first. It could be due to a misunderstanding and you could find out how you can receive a promotion. However, if you see this happening consistently, then you may want to leave and find a new job.


While you may face this cycle in your workplace, do not allow that to discourage you. Try talking with your manager to discuss the situation first. If you continue through this cycle, look for a new place that will treat you better. Remember: you want to do what’s best for your career.

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