How to get back on track with your career after holidays?

By the end of December, it is challenging, when easing back into the everyday routine of heading to work. Your friends and relatives have returned home. There are no more holiday gatherings to attend or vacation days left to use. It is disappointing to know that all those great times have already faded away. The following are 4 ways that will help you get back on track with your career after the holidays.

Collaborate With Your Team
Having a team meeting is a great way to get back on track. During the meeting, job requirements, for the New Year, should be discussed. Tasks should be delegated, so everyone knows their role, as a team member. This will help keep you and your colleagues organised as well as productive. Be sure to jot down notes on important information that was discussed. While in the meeting, be open and honest about any questions or concerns you may have. Also, add deadlines to your calendar, to help keep you focused and on task.

Schedule a Coffee Break
If you work at a desk for eight hours, it is important that you take a quick 5-minute coffee break. Throughout the day, you may have a heavy workload and strict deadlines to meet. Anxiety and depression may even set it. Coffee will help you to alleviate that tension and keep you alert and energetic. It will also help boost your job performance and memory.

Filter Your Emails
Create a filing system, using folders, for your emails. Start by immediately viewing urgent emails that require a response and placing them in an urgent folder. Then, place the remainder of your emails, in a waiting folder, for viewing later. Delete those that are not important. The ones that are important should be placed in a moderate folder.

Another option is to create five folders and arrange them according to the time a response is needed. Then, assign your emails to the appropriate folder. You should label your folders as follows: Today, This Week, This month, and FYI. The FYI folder is the information in emails that can be used as a reference. This method will help you stay organised and on-task as well. It will also help you keep track of every email that you receive. An even easier option is to colour-code your emails, according to importance. This will help you to determine the level of importance of all of your emails.

Organise Your Job Responsibilities
Of all the projects you have to complete, those that need to be done now are the most important ones. In a calendar, list all that needs to be done the next day, every morning, even the night before. Prioritise the activities, using numbers, from most to the least urgent. Start with the more complicated tasks that your boss needs immediately. Then, focus on the other duties required later in the week, or by the end of the month. Remember to complete a few assignments at a time. When the activities become too daunting, take a quick stroll or coffee break. This will help relieve anxiety and stress.

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