Young ICT Professionals Conference: Young IT 10

By Kate Southam    

Young ICT professionals will get a taste of how dynamic their careers could be this week at an event being held in conjunction with the World Computer Congress.


More than 400 conference delegates from 50 countries are attending the world congress from Monday to Thursday at the Brisbane Convention Centre providing the ideal venue for the seventh annual Young ICT Professionals Conference, nicknamed Young IT 10.


Organised by the Australian Computer Society, Young IT 10 takes place on Monday and Tuesday and features its own program as well as the opportunity for delegates to attend world congress sessions and networking events.


“People would normally have to go overseas to attend an event like this. It is pretty unusual to have a line up like this taking place in Australia,” says chairman of the conference organising committee Dr Nick Tate.


Tate is currently associate director of the Australian Research Collaboration Service but his career has spanned defence, academia, banking and government.


His own tips for career success include lifelong learning and continually looking for opportunities to meet ICT professionals outside your day job.


“One of the things we can all get sucked into is just working in the day job and not getting out and talking to other people and getting exposed to new ideas and meeting people we might later work with,” Tate says.


“I am very enthusiastic about IT and how we develop our young and one of the great things about the congress is the opportunity to hear about what is going on across the world.”


Tate says the congress comprises 17 technical conferences across eight industry streams including a large academic conference, the South-East Asia Regional Computer Confederation conference and Young IT 10.


Young IT 10 includes the chance to hear world congress keynote speaker Nicholas Carr talk about the red hot topic of cloud computing. Cloud computing enables software and other information to be shared to computers and other devices on demand via the internet.


“Nicholas is a controversial speaker at anytime and he is one of the defining speakers on cloud computing so this is a great opportunity for young delegates,” Tate says.


The Young IT 10 program includes a line up of 11 dedicated speakers including Gen Y entrepreneurs Ana Govan and AJ Kulatunga sharing their tips on creating your own business success and Rangan Srikhanta of the non profit One Laptop Per Child Program talking about the operational strategy involved in supplying 400,000 children with a laptop in less than five years.


HR expert Phil Lockwood will talk about the demand for young IT talent.


The author will run a session on how to keep your career powering with job hunting strategies and how to master “visibility management” and communication skills.

Young IT 10:


World Computer Congress 2010:


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