Gen Y should stay put

I had an interesting chat with Chris Carlaw who has set up the peer website to help young job seekers and workers.

He has also written an e book, Get this young person a job, and he has a day job in IT.

A number of Chris’ articles caught my eye including, “Don’t take your job for granted” .

Chris finds it hard to fathom why he has seen some young workers throw in the towel after a short time in a new job in these tougher economic times.

“It irks me when my fellow Gen Y’s have a perfectly well paying job, aren’t even settled into the role, and then leave after one week,” Chris writes.

Chris spent eight months looking for work after leaving university in 2004 – and that was in the good times. He has noticed some Gen Y still moaning about money but cautions them that times have changed (at least for now).

Because there are many more candidates, starting salaries for jobs have plateaued or even gone backwards but Chris’ advice is to roll with it.

“What is better, to have a pay cut or to be without a job at all?” says Chris. “Seriously, we have to place our egos to the side just for a minute here.”

“To those of you reading this, do yourself a favour and don’t leave [your current job] unless you:

1. Feel sick in the stomach going to work in the morning.

2. Your motivation at work is at best a 1 out of 10.

3. You have been successful at another job interview and have another job to slot into.”

We have reprinted Chris article in full on

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