Introducing yourself to new colleagues

Kath has raised a very interesting issue about being a newbie. “What should you say if you are invited to introduce yourself at a team meeting? Should you include personal information? How long should you talk?”  I got some input from David Reynolds, executive general manager of Chandler Macleod Consulting. David says that your style of introduction would depend on how senior you are and the seniority of the team you are introducing yourself to. If you are not a manager and it’s a general staff meeting then speak for a few minutes – literally two or three minutes.

Establish your credentials – without being boastful – and end by mentioning something that shows you have some life outside work. This could include a particular hobby or sport or the fact you have a spouse and children or that you love to cook, are new to Australia or the city.

If you are a manager, then David recommends that you meet with your team before you start work rather than meet them along with the rest of the company. “It’s common these days for prospective managers to meet their team before they take on the job. It enables you to get some understanding of the team you would be managing and learn about them,” David said.

At any larger company meeting then follow the advice above about taking a few minutes to introduce your professional history peppered with a personal detail or two but avoid any religious or political affiliations. I can’t fit all David’s advice in so next week we will look at introducing at management or executive team meeting or even just one or two senior managers.

By Kate Southam, Editor of

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