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Goulburn Valley Health

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Goulburn Valley Health is the main referral health service for a catchment population of 120,0000 people in the Goulburn Valley and employs more than 2,000 staff.

GV Health is a multi-campus facility,providing a broad range of hospital and community health services and residential aged care throughout the region.

The main campus is located at Graham Street, Shepparton, providing the Emergency Department, Intensive Care, Outpatients, Medical, Surgical, Paediatric, Obstetric, Dental, Palliative, Oncology, Mental Health, Aged Care, Rehabilitation and related Allied Health and Community health care services.

A community health facility in Corio Street, Shepparton provides a range of preventative and well-being programs, including Community Health, Community Interlink, Health Promotion, Pathology Collection, Rural Allied Health, Self Management Support and Home Nursing Services (District Nursing Services, Hospital in the Home and Regional Continence Service).

The Tatura campus includes the Tatura Hospital and Parkvilla Aged Care.

The Rushworth campus includes Waranga Memorial Hospital, Waranga Nursing Home, Waranga Aged Care Hostel and the Waranga Medical Centre.

GV Health has an important role in teaching, training and research, and strong affiliation with Melbourne, Latrobe, Monash and Charles Sturt Universities.

About the employer
Health Care and Social Assistance